Thoughts, Prayers and Actions: We Need Stricter Gun Laws

As a former teacher and a mom, I have a recurring nightmare that I’m sure many of you share: a constant, ever-present fear of my children — and any other children — being exposed to or a victim in a school shooting.
It’s an ever-present fear because it’s an ever-present reality.
And this ever-present reality isn’t only happening with school shootings but with gun violence at churches, in grocery stores — in places someone should never have to fear for their life.
We need more than moments of silence and trite words of condolence — we must speak up for real change. We need to feel more than outrage — we must take action. We need to do more than mourn the loss of life — we must fight to preserve life.
In this episode, we will talk about:
- How gun safety saves lives.
- Where you can go to stay up-to-date on current gun safety legislation.
- What real change we can make in our communities and that we can encourage our lawmakers to adopt.
I hope you’ll join me in doing more than just holding your little ones close when these tragedies happen — hold them close then go out and fight to make the world safer for them.
Articles, Studies & Podcasts Referenced in the Episode
Sources go here
Song credit: “Clapping Music” by BrightestAvenue and “Sunshine” by lemonmusicstudio