The Untold Story of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and that means that us parents are faced with the question of what to tell our children about this (somewhat controversial) holiday.
You probably remember having a part in the annual school play reenacting the “First Thanksgiving” and you know that’s no longer (and never was) appropriate because it paints a pretty inaccurate picture of what happened all those years ago. But if that’s not what happened, what did? In this episode I share what I’ve learned about the untold story of what actually happened during that harvest festival in the autumn of 1621.
I cover:
-The events leading up to the harvest festival, including the initial meeting between the Europeans and the Wampanoag people
-The role of Tisquantum (Squanto)
-The festival itself and the events that followed
-Sarah Josepha Hale-The Mother of Thanksgiving
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow-an American poet who carefully crafted the romanticized version of the Thanksgiving story
Free E-Book and resource guide
“Harvest: Festivals Around the World” is an interactive ebook that teaches about four different harvest festivals. Each page teaches about a different festival and has links to videos, songs, and art that you can enjoy with your kiddos!
You can also download a FREE resource guide to share with your child’s teacher so that they can accurately teach about Thanksgiving
Articles, Studies, & Podcasts Referenced in the Episode
Why I’m Not thankful for Thanksgiving by Michael Dorris
Podcast: Stuff You Missed in History Class
Episode: Sarah Josepha Hale & Godey’s Lady’s Book
Sidedoor: A Podcast from the Smithsonian
Episode: That Brunch in the Forest
The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Song credit: “Sleeper” by Steve Adams” and “Dive Down” by VYEN