Teaching Our Children About Immigration

Immigration is one of those things that we really struggle to agree on as a country. No matter your feelings or political leanings, everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect and that is what we need to teach our children.
In this episode we talk to Abraham and Madison Carrasco, a multiethnic family who has gone through the immigration process. Abraham shares the intimate details of migrating from Mexico to the United States on foot. Both he and his wife Madison open up about the hardships that they faced over many years while Abraham interacted with the immigration system to become a citizen of the United States.
In addition, they share three strategies for talking to our children about immigration: read books about immigration, talk openly about culture, and humanize the issue.
Articles, Studies, & Podcasts Referenced in the Episode
Madison runs an instagram account called @reading.sinfronteras that promotes bilingualism, multicultural education, and anti-racism.
No Mas Muertes (No More Deaths), an organization that is working to “stop the deaths of migrants in the desert”
Song credit: “Away” by Geographer and “Beach Disco” by Dougie Wood