Service, Not Saviorism

Are you serving or trying to save? In this episode I unpack white saviorism and the detrimental effect that it has on communities in our backyard and across the globe.
If you want to transform your good intentions into confident action consider these 5 reflection questions:
Is the organization I’m partnering with led by BIPOC?
Where am I on my anti-racism journey? What preconceived notions do I have about the community I am serving?
When and how am I going to learn about the history of the community I am serving?
What is my attitude towards the people I am working with?
What am I going to do if my service begins to look more like saviorism?

Juneteenth Jubilee
Juneteenth is observed on June 19th, but you can celebrate any time of year, and we have an exciting program to help you! Juneteenth Jubilee is our brand-new program that gives you everything you need to have a meaningful Juneteenth celebration dinner.
It includes a cookbook, a cooking show with my dad, a meal planner, reflection questions and more! Trust me, this is something your family is going to want — both for the yummy food and for the impactful conversations. The program is available now! So click here to invest in this resource to create a meaningful celebration for your family!
Articles, Studies, & Podcasts Referenced in the Episode
What Is A White Savior Complex
Me & White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad
Britt Hawthorne Patreon Community
The White Savior Industrial Complex by Teju Cole
“Kill the Indian, Save the Man” Captain Richard H. Pratt
How the US Stole Thousands of Native American Children
Things No One Tells You About Going On Short-term Mission Trips
Song credit: “Sleeper” by Steve Adams” and “Dive Down” by VYEN