Raising Multi-Racial Children

Growing up as a multi-racial child, I often felt my racial identity shifting and developing — heck, even as an adult I do! Navigating what it means to be multi-racial continues to be a journey for me, which is why I was so excited to be able to interview Dr. Jennifer Noble.
Dr. Jenn, as she’s known online, is a licensed psychologist, parent coach and associate professor of psychology, who shares her expertise both in her private practice in Los Angeles and online. She focuses on identity and mixed race experience as she works with mixed race teens, BIPOC women and other marginalized groups.
In our conversation, we discuss:
• The experience many multi-racial children have of shifting identity development.
• How parents can help their multi-racial children prepare to answer questions about their identity.
• Affirming identity in the face of other people’s assumptions.
• How terminology can change based on where the mixed race person is in their identity journey,
• Building resilience in kids and their parents through open communication.
I hope any of you listeners out there who are multi-racial or raising multi-racial kiddos leave listening to this conversation feeling like you can be more fully connected to your family and your identity. And for anyone who is mono-racial, I hope this gives you a better understanding of how you can support the multi-racial people in your life.

Bite-Sized Black History
Bite-sized Black History is a program that empowers you to teach the little ones you love about brilliant Black Americans who have been largely overlooked by our history books. We featured 12 different people in Season 1 of the program and will feature 12 all new Black Americans in Season 2. And, if you missed Season 1, both seasons will be available for purchase.
Articles, Studies, & Podcasts Referenced in the Episode
Dr. Jenn’s website, which includes information about Mixed Life Academy
Dr. Jenn’s Instagram account @drjennpsych
Dr. Noble’s therapy practice website
Multi-racial Bill of Rights by Dr. Maria Root
“One Drop of Love” by Fanshen Cox
“50 Experiences of Racially Mixed People” by Dr. Maria Root
Video of a mom in England giving her son a shirt to tell him he’s leaving the school where he’s been bullied
Song credit: “Sleeper” by Steve Adams” and “Dive Down” by VYEN