A Conversation With My Dad About Black History Month

In this episode my dad and I dig deep about the importance of Black History Month. This is one of my favorite conversations I’ve ever had on the podcast because it is just that, a conversation.
When I was growing up, late night conversations with my dad were some of my most cherished moments. He has a way of building you up and inspiring you, while at the same time keeping it completely real, holding you accountable, and pushing you to do better. We talk about how our country was built on the backs of People of Color, how strong and resilient our communities of Color are even though we continue to face what seem like insurmountable odds, and how you can expose your children to that history, strength, reliance, and love. I am so excited for the First Name Basis fam to have the opportunity to get to know my dad — he is such a huge part of the reason I sit behind the microphone each and every week.
Song credit: “Sleeper” by Steve Adams” and “Dive Down” by VYEN