Free Resources for YOU
First Name Basis is all about giving you the tools you need to help the kiddos in your life learn to be anti-racist and inclusive. Below is a list of FREE resources just for you!
Race Talk Roadmap
Our Race Talk Roadmap lays out your first 3 steps for talking to your children about race and racism.
Loving Day Coloring Page
A coloring page featuring Mildred and Richard Loving, whose landmark Supreme Court case legalized interracial marriage for heterosexual couples.
Family History Dinner
All the info and supplies you need to host a Family History Dinner of your own to help you and your kiddos connect to your culture.
Juneteenth Strawberry Lemonade
Printable cards with a delicious strawberry lemonade recipe and information to teach you and your friends more about Juneteenth.
Harvest eBook and Thanksgiving resources
Learn about harvest festivals from around the world and get some resources for teachers to use when teaching about Thanksgiving.
Aspects of a Positive Community
Focus on building strong communities with these 6 characteristics of a positive community, adapted from Dr. Nicole Celestine’s work.
Voting Action Plan
Being an informed voter is crucial — and takes effort. We’re here to help! Get the First Name Basis Voting Action Plan with tips to help.
Martin Luther King Jr. Resources
Honor the immeasurable impact MLK had on civil rights with our list of resources to learn more about him and his work.
Lunar New Year Resources
Even families who don’t traditionally celebrate Lunar New Year can get involved, especially by learning more with these resources.
Centering Indigenous Peoples
It’s time to celebrate and learn more about the history of our Indigenous brothers and sisters.
Is My Costume Cultural Appropriation?
Not sure how to tell? Get this free download to help you find the best costume for you and your kiddos!
Bite-Sized Black History Guess Who Upgrade!
Switch up your game by featuring these 24 amazing Black Americans!