Bite-Sized Black History
Your key to a meaningful celebration of Black history in your home or classroom!
Note: Our paid resources are currently only available for purchase by schools, school districts and community groups. Contact us at for additional information or head on over to to book a free consultation.
Celebrate Black excellence together
Bite-Sized Black History is a program that empowers you to teach the little ones you love about 40 brilliant Black Americans that have been largely overlooked by our history books.
These 40 bite-sized podcast episodes, coloring pages, and reflection questions are your key to a meaningful celebration of Black History in your home or classroom!

Dig deep and foster conversation
You know about Dr. King and Rosa Parks—now it’s time to explore other Black leaders and learn from their stories.
Each Bite-Sized Black History lesson will give you everything you need to snuggle up on the couch and foster meaningful conversations that go beyond the bounds of civil rights and enslavement.
Note: Our paid resources are currently only available for purchase by schools, school districts and community groups. Contact us at for additional information or head on over to to book a free consultation.
The Bite-Sized Black History experience

40 bite-sized podcast episodes
Each episode tells the story of an unparalleled Black American from history. These bite-sized biographies are 12 minutes or less to ensure that kiddos stay engaged and soak in the magic of the story.

Booklet including 40 coloring pages
There are beautifully-illustrated coloring pages depicting each Black American legend featured in our bite-sized episodes. Color while you listen!

Reflection questions and conversation starters
After you’ve listened and colored, use the reflection questions to spark rich, meaningful discussions.

I have to confess …
I did not enjoy learning about Black history growing up — not because Black history is not enjoyable, but because my teachers had left out all of the uplifting parts. In school we focused solely on Black struggle: the struggle for freedom from the chains of enslavement; the struggle for liberation from racist laws and practices.
This practice was more like grieving than celebrating. As heavy as that was for me as a Black student, it also failed my non-Black classmates. They began to resent learning about Black history as well.
While the struggle for equality is undeniably an integral part of Black history, we miss out when we overlook the creativity, ingenuity, joy, and brilliance that is found in the Black community. Bite-Sized Black History is the program I wish I had when I was young. A program that would allow my friends and classmates to share in the richness and beauty of my heritage. A program that illustrates that Blackness is divine, exuberant, and powerful. If you want to share that joy with your family, Bite-Sized Black History is for you
Which Black Americans are featured?
Season 1
• Wilma Rudolph (Olympic sprinter)
• Mildred & Richard Loving (good trouble makers)
• Garrett Morgan (inventor)
• The Hines Brothers (triple threats)
• Claudette Colvin (civil rights activist)
• Sidney Poitier (actor and director)
• Dr. Charles Drew (Doctor)
• Marie Van Brittan Brown (nurse and inventor)
• Bayard Rustin (civil rights activist)
• Norma Merrick Sklarek (architect)
• Bessie Blount (physical therapist and inventor)
• Ella Baker (civil rights activist)
Season 2
• Dr. Debi Thomas (figure skater and surgeon)
• Mary J. Wilson (zookeeper)
• Dr. Ronald McNair (astronaut)
• Eartha Kitt (singer and actress)
• Azellia White (pilot)
• Dr. Kenneth Clark and Dr. Mamie Phipps Clark (psychologists)
• Lyda Newman (inventor)
• Gwen Ifill (journalist and newscaster)
• CJ Jones (deaf comedian and actor)
• Marva Collins (principal and teacher)
• Ernestine Eckstein (LGBT civil rights leader)
• Charles L. Sifford (golfer)
Season 3
This 4-episode mini season is perfect to pair with two 12-episode seasons to make a 28-episode set. One episode for each day of Black History Month!
• Gerald “Jerry” Lawson (the father of modern gaming)
• Lois Curtis (artist & disaibilty rights activist)
• Glenn Burke (first openly gay MLB player)
• Eloise Greenfield (author)
Season 4
• Dr. Patricia Era Bath (ophthalmologist)
• Frederick McKinley Jones (inventor, entrepreneur, and engineer)
• Stormé DeLarverie (LGBTQ activist and performer)
• Brad Lomax (civil rights activist)
• Mary Edmonia Lewis (sculptor)
• Jesse Owens (athlete)
• Mary McLeod Bethune (educator and civil and women’s rights leader)
• Harry Belafonte (singer, actor, and activist)
• Jane Bolin (judge)
• Benjamin Banneker (astronomer)
• Antonia Pantoja (civil rights activist)
• Donald Galloway (disability rights activist)